lørdag 29. januar 2011

GoAnimate animation: E.coli bacteria

After having produced this animation on GoAnimate I exported it to my Youtube videos. This animation is an example of how you can make an animation in GoAnimate that is built on the same theme as a short story that you have read. This animation is built on the same theme as the short story A Day's Wait by Ernest Hemingway. In the short story A Day's Wait we meet Schatz who believes he is going to die because his fever is 102 Fahrenheit.Schatz believes he is going to die because he doesn't realize there is a difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius .

Here is a film synopis of my animation E.coli bacteria:
Millie and David are having a date at Mac.Donalds when they meet a guy who tells them that he has had bad stomach cramps ever since he was at Mac.Donalds 5 days ago eating hamburgers. Millie and David tell him that he should go and see a doctor because Millie has read in the newspaper recently that a very bad strain of E.coli bacteria was found in some undercooked beef used for hamburgers.He goes to see a doctor who tells him that his only problem is that he has been eating too many hamburgers .He starts to cry because he really believed he was going to die as he knew that E.coli poisoning could cause life threatening kidney problems.

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